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The Household Support Fund was introduced in October 2021, in order to support those most in need during winter, the first phase of the scheme ended on 31 March 2022. There have subsequently been four further rounds of the Fund.

On 2 September 2024 the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions announced that the Household Support Fund (HSF) would be extended for a further six months, from 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025, with a further £421m of funding. As has been done for previous schemes, the fund will be made available to County Councils and Unitary Authorities in England to support those most in need.

The Department for Work and Pensions has recently confirmed that Lancashire County Council (LCC) will be given £9.6 million to support those most in need to help with significantly rising living costs. Lancashire County Council (LCC) will be distributing a proportion of this funding to District Councils. LCC have confirmed that Ribble Valley will receive £116,379.

Eligible households who are struggling financially and have a combined household income of less than £50,000 per year can apply for a food voucher.

The following voucher amounts can be applied for:

  • £200 for single households
  • £300 for households with two or more adults residing
  • £500 for households with children (household with a child is a household containing any person who will be under the age of 19 at the time of award or, a person aged 19 or over in respect of whom a child-related benefit (for example, Child Benefit) is paid or FSMs are provided.

The applications will open on 20 November 2024 and will run whilst sufficient funding is available (please note the funding is very limited and will be distributed on a first come basis). Only one application per household.

PLEASE NOTE:  Priority will be given to new applications into the scheme.

If you and/ or your household received a voucher as part of the HSF5 application round (1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024) you will not be eligible to apply for a voucher.

Households who received a voucher as part of the HSF4 application round (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) will only be eligible for a voucher, subject to sufficient funding, after 17th February 2025.

Help for Households – Ribble Valley Borough Council     – CLICK THE LINK TO APPLY  –

You can complete an application here

Comments need to be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 19 November 2024 – all previous comments will have been sent already but any new information for the Planning Inspectorate to consider should be sent to them.



LAND AT: Land to east of Salesbury View Wilpshire

PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT                       : Proposed erection of new residential development comprising 84 new                                     homes, including 30% affordable housing, open space and associated infrastructure.

APPLICATION REFERENCE                          : 3/2023/0614

APPEAL REFERENCE                                      : APP/T2350/W/24/3352614

APPEAL STARTING DATE                              : 15th October 2024

DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS                         : 19th November 2024

APPELLANTS NAME                                          : Persimmon Homes Lancashire


I am writing to let you know that an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State in respect of the above site.


The appeal follows the refusal of planning permission by this Council.


The Council’s reasons for refusal are as follows:


The proposed development would be on a prominent hillside location at the edge of a settlement and adjacent to Green Belt. The proposed development fails to be visually attractive and sympathetic to the area’s character by virtue of the layout, density, house types and scales, inadequate green buffers and significant level changes to the landform, appearing overly dominant and incongruous in the street scene and from wider public viewpoints to the detriment of visual amenity. This would be contrary to policy DMG1 of the Ribble Valley Core Strategy 2008 – 2028 and Paragraphs 128 and 135 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

The appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations. The procedure to be followed is set out in Part 2 of The Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Written Representations Procedure)(England) Regulations 2009, as amended.This means the appeal is to be decided on the basis of an exchange of written statements by the parties and a site visit by an Inspector.  If the Inspector can see enough of the site from the road or public view, he will visit the site alone.  If that is not possible, the appellant and the LPA’s representative will go with the Inspector.  There is normally no need for other people to take part in the site visit.  However, if you own a property nearby and you want the Inspector to see the appeal site from your property, you should tell The Planning Inspectorate when you write to them.  They will then tell you the date and time of the visit.  You will not be able to discuss the case, but you can point out the relevant facts and features.

Any comments already made following the original application for planning permission (unless they are expressly confidential) will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and a copy sent to the appellant and will be taken into account by the Inspector deciding the appeal.  If you wish to modify/withdraw or make any additional comments please send to the Planning Inspectorate before the deadline as shown above.  Any representations received after this date will not normally be seen by the Inspector and will be returned.  The Planning Inspectorate does not send acknowledgments but they will ensure that all letters received by the deadline are passed on to the Inspector dealing with the appeal.  All representations must quote the appeal reference.

Please note that any representations you submit to the Planning Inspectorate will be copied to the appellant and this local planning authority and will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.

The Planning Inspectorate has introduced an online appeals service, which you can use to comment on this appeal.  You can find the service on the internet – see  Your comments may include your name, address, e-mail address or phone number.  Please ensure that you only provide information, including personal information belonging to you that you are happy will be made available to others in this way.   If you supply information belonging to a third party please ensure you have their permission to do so.  More detailed information about data protection and privacy matters is available on the Planning Portal.

If you wish to send your comments by post, please write to Des Bowring, The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3D Eagle, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN.

The Planning Inspectorate has produced a document entitled “Guide to Taking Part in Planning Appeals”.  This gives helpful advice to third parties who may wish to make representations.  Should you wish to obtain a copy of this leaflet, it can be downloaded from the Government’s website via the following link:

You may inspect all submitted documents relating to the appeal at the Planning Department, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, BB7 2RA by making an appointment if you are unable to view them on the Council’s website.  Please contact the case officer on the above extension to check that the statements will be available before calling at the office.

The appeal decision will be published on the Planning Inspectorate’s website at


A recycled plastic picnic-bench has been installed on Durham Road playpark, thanks to a ‘Green Grant’ from Lancashire Environmental Fund. (
This bench will provide an improved experience on the park with somewhere for families to sit and relax’.

New picnic bench Durham Road Play Area


Message from the Fire Rescue Service – posted 16 November 2023

Now that winter’s here, many of us have already started heating our homes.

Staying warm is better for your health – the NHS recommends homes should be kept at around 18°C. But did you know it can be dangerous if you don’t heat yours safely?

Please follow our advice to help you stay safe and warm this winter.

Not everyone has central heating. When it comes to heating your home, you might use a portable heater instead – or in addition to – your central heating.

There are lots of different types of heater, from oil radiators to portable electric heaters and open fires. All of them come with risks that you should be aware of.

As a rule, you should:

  • Have your heater serviced each year by a professional or competent person.
  • Never use a damaged appliance.
  • Keep soft furnishing and other flammables well away from heat sources.
  • Install a working smoke alarm on each level of your home.

Cost Of Living

We know that the higher cost of living is making people heat their homes by alternative means or even avoid using the heating altogether.

If you live in a very cold home, you could be putting your health and wellbeing as risk.

Are you struggling to pay your energy bills? We recommend you join the Priority Services Register.

The Priority Services Register helps vulnerable customers when they need it most. It is a joint register that allows the utility companies to keep track of those who need support so that they can supply services and advice during times of uncertainty.

For further details on the three main utilities Priority Services Register, please follow these links (all open in a new tab):

Get Out, Stay Out, Call 999

If you have a fire in your home, you must never try to put it out yourself. This is when lots of people sadly get hurt.

Instead, get out, stay out, and call us out on 999.


The below crime statistics are for the month of October for Wilpshire

Drugs – 0.

Vehicle crime – 0

Criminal damage excluding vehicles – 0

Public order – 0

Anti-social behaviour – 0

Assault – 0

Theft – 0

Theft or unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle – 0

Burglary – 0

I hope this gives you a picture of what crime has occurred in your area. if you have anything to report or need the police assistance please call on 101 or 999 in an emergency.




A new defibrillator has been installed outside the Right At Home office at Wilpshire to replace the original which was vandalised a couple of years ago. The cost of the new defibrillator was met by donations from Wilpshire Parish Council, Blackburn Rotary Club and fundraising initiatives by staff at Right At Home. Here staff member, Tracy Campbell, Right At Home Director, Julie Foote and Craig Ward, Chair of Wilpshire P. C. are shown with the defibrillator. Other defibrillators in the area are at Salesbury Memorial Hall and Salesbury Cricket Club, Wilpshire Golf Club and Child Action North West (Orphanage)







The below crime statistics are for the month of August for Wilpshire

Drugs – 0

Vehicle crime – 0

Criminal damage excluding vehicles – 0

Public order – 0

Anti-social behaviour – 0

Assault – 0

Theft – 0

Theft or unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle – 0

Burglary – 0






Planning Application now received -posted 21 August 2023

3/2023/0614  Land to East of Salesbury View Wilpshire – Proposed erection of new residential development comprising 85 new homes, including 30% affordable housing, open space and associated infrastructure.

Any comments should be sent to


Posted 16 July 2023

It has been brought to the Parish Council’s attention that there is some confusion about the recent public consultation in connection with the leaflet received by Wilpshire householders re:

Salesbury View – public consultation prior to any planning application being submitted.

WPC have declined an on line meeting but have sent copies of their comments on the previous application 3/2022/0115 and also the revision to that planning  application.


For clarity comments about the public consultation should be made as per the instruction on the public consultation By Post Persimmon Homes, Persimmon House, Lancaster Business Park, Caton road, LA1 3RQ or by email to


Posted 16 July 2023


RVBC – RVBC are extending the food voucher scheme until March 2024 this is aimed. The Department for Work and Pensions has allocated funding through the Household support Fund to LCC some of which has been given to RVBC to provide help for residents with inflationary changes and the ongoing significant rising cost of living.

A new phase of the fund has been launched to continue to support households, enhancing the scheme by increasing the qualifying household income to £50,000.

The following vouchers can be applied for:

£200 for single households

£300 for households with two or more adults

£500 for households with children

Round one opened in July and will close in September 2023

Eligible households can apply there is an online form  Household Support Fund Form. or email with enquiries about the on line form or the scheme itself.


Posted 24 June 2023


Have your say on Ribble Valley Borough Council’s enforcement of dog fouling and control issues.

An online survey has been launched today for residents to have their say on Ribble Valley Borough Council’s enforcement of dog fouling and control issues across the borough. The survey provides everyone with a chance to voice their views as a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) expires on 20 October 2023.

We are hoping that you can help us by forwarding this email to your Parish Councillors and anyone else that you think would be interested in completing the survey, which runs until midnight on Monday, 31 July, anyone aged 16 or over can take part.

The PSPO enables the Council to undertake enforcement against issues such as dog fouling and out of control dogs, and a three-year extension of the PSPO is being proposed.

Introduced in 2017 as part of the Council’s ongoing campaign to make people’s lives safer and healthier, the PSPO makes it an offence to:

  • Fail to pick up your dogs poop in a public place
  • Not be in possession of pet poop bags
  • Let your dog off its lead in Clitheroe Cemetery
  • Allow your dog to enter a playground or sports pitch
  • Refuse to put your dog on a lead if asked by a dog warden
  • Be in charge of more than four dogs at once

Anyone breaching the order faces a £100 fixed penalty notice or day in court and fine of up to £1,000.

The consultation is available at in person at the Council Offices in Church Walk, Clitheroe, or by phoning Ribble Valley Borough Council on 01200 425111.

  • Also, if you would like to help shape local services, why not join the new Ribble Valley People’s Panel? You will be invited to take part in online surveys on important issues and your feedback will inform council decisions. People aged under 45 and especially between 16 and 24 are particularly welcome to join. Further information is available at Ribble Valley’s People’s Panel


Crime Figures – May 2023

The below crime statistics are for the month of May for Wilpshire

Drugs – 0

Vehicle crime – 1

Criminal damage excluding vehicles – 2

Public order – 0

Anti-social behaviour – 0

Assault – 0

Theft – 1

Theft or unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle – 0

Burglary – 0


Ribchester Road Wilpshire/Clayton le Dale Surface Dressing Works

Proposed dates as follows may be subject to change:

  • 1st treatment to commence from the A666 Whalley Rd to A59 Longsight Road and A59 Longsight Road to Ribchester Bridge on the 14th and 15th June
  • 2nd treatment to commence from A666 Whalley Rd to Longsight Road and Longsight Road to Ribchester Bridge 17th and 18th June
  • Road markings and road studs will be commencing the day after for four days under Stop and Go.


Have you had your say on Lancashire’s roads?



Lancashire County Council is asking for residents’ views on Lancashire’s highways and transport services – from the condition of roads and footpaths to the quality of cycling facilities.

The council’s highways team are encouraging people to complete the National Highways and Transport (NHT) survey, which measures public satisfaction with services across different local authorities. You can have your say on your roads and transport locally by completing the short survey.

The results will be compared with the views of other members of the public across 111 local authorities in England & Scotland. It will help the county council make future decisions on where to prioritise their resources, share best practice and identify further opportunities to work with other authorities in the future.

This year, the council have made marked improvements to reduce the impact of their work on the environment and are set to achieve a 15% carbon saving in our carriageway capital programme. They recently received a national award in recognition of their Highways Decarbonisation Strategy, which includes the use new lower carbon materials and techniques for road maintenance.

Find out more about how the team are working hard to improve Lancashire’s roads and complete the survey at Road maintenance – Lancashire County Council


Example social media post for parish councils and other stakeholders to use on their social media accounts

Have you had your say on #LancsRoads and completed the National Highways and Transport (NHT) survey?

@lancashirecc is asking for residents’ views on their highways and transport services – from the condition of roads and footpaths to the quality of cycling facilities.

The results will be compared with the views of other members of the public across 111 local authorities in England & Scotland to help them make future decisions on where they prioritise resources.

Complete the survey at




Winter Briefing Note LCC 2022/2023

Winter briefing note 2022-23

Bus timetable changes November 2022

BSC 11-2022 (November)

The county council have started a 6 week public engagement exercise that will run until the 27th November on our intention to apply for the new powers to enforce moving traffic contraventions, this can be found at Enforcing moving traffic offences consultation – Lancashire County Council

The council currently enforce parking restrictions and bus lanes throughout the county and this application will allow us to enforce certain moving traffic prohibitions. It does not allow us to enforce speed limits or obstruction, these remain the responsibility of the police, however we will be able to consider enforcement of a variety of restrictions including:

  • Prohibition of turn (right left and U-turn)
  • No entry and one way streets
  • Weight limits
  • Prohibition of driving (various classes of vehicle)
  • Yellow box junctions

We have to follow an application process to get the powers granted to us in legislation and for this application we need to provide a small selection of initial sites that we will seek to enforce. When we are granted the powers the council can then seek to enforce other locations but for each new location the same 6 week engagement exercise will still need to be undertaken before enforcement can occur.

Unlike parking restrictions, the council getting this power, does not remove it from the police who will still be able to enforce illegal movements under their existing powers.

For the initial application we have chosen 3 locations with prohibition of turns and a one way street. If the application is successful we would be granted the powers to enforce from around July 2023. Enforcement would be undertaken by camera (similar to bus lanes) and for the first 6 months any “first offence” would get a warning notice rather than a PCN.

The website is live now for the public to submit there views on our initial locations and there is a general feedback section on the “have your say link” as well. We have also set up a email address for the public to submit comments.

The council will be putting out a press release and promoting the consultation on Facebook and twitter shortly but we wanted to get the information to you directly.

If you have any questions or feedback yourself please do not hesitate to use the “have your say” survey or use the moving traffic email address –





Temporary road works Ely Close

Temporary road closure on Ely Close, Wilpshire, on the 12/08/22, until 19/08/22 to enable Carriageway Resurfacing works to take place.

You can also find details of any other planned works via our Highways Bulletin website which links to all planned works in Lancashire.

Please click on the attached link and select the area that you are interested in.

Message Sent By
Lancashire News (Police, Lancashire Constabulary, Headquarters)




TTRO-01 190347

Knowsley Road, Blackburn, BB1 9PX-.0001 (1)

CANCELLED THE ROAD WILL BE OPEN LCC [B6245 Ribchester Road Clayton le Dale and Wilpshire Ribble Valley Borough] Temporary prohibition of through traffic order 2022.The prohibition will be operative Tuesday 1st February and Wednesday 2nd February 2022 or until completion of works within this period.

Ribchester Road, Clayton le Dale diversion

Ribchester Road, Wilpshire diversion

TTRO-02 (2)



(  Wilpshire/RamsgreaveWard)_


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have  occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish of Wilpshire following the resignation on 15 December 2021 of Councillor Westwell.

Rule 5 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England  and  Wales) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the  office  of councillor of a parish, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if within fourteen days (computed as stated below) after public notice of the vacancy  has been  given  in  accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government  Act 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the borough within which the  parish  is situate by TEN electors for the electoral area in which the vacancy has occurred.

The Proper Officer is the Returning Officer, Ribble Valley Borough Council, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA

Dated this 23rd  day of December 2021.

Lesley Lund

Clerk to the Council


In computing any period of time for the purposes of this notice a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning, shall be disregarded.


Work financed by the Parish Council is being undertaken to improve some well used public footpaths in Wilpshire. The surface of sections of the footpath leading from Hollowhead Avenue to Hollowhead Lane across the Public Open Space has been upgraded with stone. This section of footpath also forms part of the long distance Lancashire Way. Also, the section of footpath leading from Vicarage Lane towards Dewhursts Farm has had the rotten duckboarding replaced by a stone surface.

The photos show ‘Before’ and ‘After’ shots of the improvement work









To view the vacancy Poster please click below:

Wilpshire Parish Council Poster 13-11-2021

Wilpshire Parish Council has vacancies for additional Councillors. Are you over 18?

Can you spare a few hours per month?

Do you want to make a difference?

Contact the Parish Clerk via email on   alternatively send a letter of application  to the Clerk at 5 Hollowhead Close Wilpshire BB1 9LE  Or visit our website for more information

There is a meeting on 15 December if you are interested in seeing what the role of Parish Councillor involves please attend.


CASUAL VACANCY  WILPSHIRE PARISH COUNCIL FOR A PARISH COUNCILLOR = If you are interested please contact the clerk for more details or 07756091554


 WILPSHIRE   PARISH COUNCIL( Wilpshire and Ramsgreave Ward)_


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish of Wilpshire following the resignation on 3rd November of Councillor  Cotton-Ambler

Rule 5 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of councillor of a parish, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if within fourteen days (computed as stated below) after public notice of the vacancy has been given in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the borough within which the parish is situate by TEN electors for the electoral area in which the vacancy has occurred.


The Proper Officer is the Returning Officer, Ribble Valley Borough

Council, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA



Dated this  10th day of  November 2021




 WILPSHIRE   PARISH COUNCIL( Wilpshire and Ramsgreave Ward)_


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish of Wilpshire following the resignation on 26 September of Councillor  Coleman

Rule 5 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of councillor of a parish, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if within fourteen days (computed as stated below) after public notice of the vacancy has been given in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the borough within which the parish is situate by TEN electors for the electoral area in which the vacancy has occurred.


The Proper Officer is the Returning Officer, Ribble Valley Borough

Council, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA



Dated this  27th day of  September 2021






       WILPSHIRE   PARISH COUNCIL( Wilpshire and Ramsgreave Ward)_


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish of Wilpshire following the resignation on 26 September of Councillor  Coleman


Rule 5 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of councillor of a parish, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if within fourteen days (computed as stated below) after public notice of the vacancy has been given in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the borough within which the parish is situate by TEN electors for the electoral area in which the vacancy has occurred.


The Proper Officer is the Returning Officer, Ribble Valley Borough

Council, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA



Dated this  27th day of  September 2021




Lesley Lund


Clerk to the Council





Salesbury Memorial Hall 

Salesbury Memorial Hall is situated at the heart of the villages of Salesbury, Wilpshire and Clayton-le-Dale. The hall was built from funds raised by the local community in memory of the 36 members of the Parish who lost their lives in the Great War of 1914-18. Their names are commemorated on the Roll of Honour in the entrance hall.

The hall is run as a Charitable Trust by a committee of 13 local volunteers who are responsible for the maintenance and future development of the Hall. The main hall and the two upstairs meeting rooms have been recently refurbished to a high standard.

On the ground floor, the facilities comprise of a large, main hall (10m x 18m) and a fully equipped, modern kitchen. New toilet facilities, including an accessible toilet, are also situated on the ground floor. Upstairs there is a large conference/meeting room with a high specification projector and 100“screen. There is also a smaller, adjoining room which can be used separately or for refreshments.

The hall is fully accessible throughout and offers free WiFi and parking. All of which makes Salesbury Memorial Hall the ideal venue for local interest groups, private parties, wedding receptions, business meetings and community events.

Main Venue Contact Annette Patterson
Telephone 07754053923

       WILPSHIRE   PARISH COUNCIL( Wilpshire and Ramsgreave Ward)_


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish of Wilpshire following the resignation on 26 September of Councillor  Coleman


Rule 5 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of councillor of a parish, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if within fourteen days (computed as stated below) after public notice of the vacancy has been given in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the borough within which the parish is situate by TEN electors for the electoral area in which the vacancy has occurred.


The Proper Officer is the Returning Officer, Ribble Valley Borough

Council, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA



Dated this  27th day of  September 2021




Lesley Lund


Clerk to the Council



Three new kissing gates have been installed by Wilpshire Parish Council on the public footpath leading from Wilpshire Golf Course to Little Snodworth Farm thanks to a £1000 grant from the Lancashire Environment Fund and the Council’s own funds. These gates have replaced three awkward stiles and will be much appreciated by walkers. This section of public footpath in Wilpshire is well used by locals and those following the 294 miles’ Lancashire Way of which it is a part. The photographs show one of the new kissing gates and the stile it replaced

Our new Police and Crime Commissioner has commissioned a survey to look at issues concerning residents here in Lancashire.

Below is a link to the survey.  This feedback will form part of the future policing strategy.

 Lancashire PCC Consultation (






Wilpshire and Ramsgreave Parish Councils provide the funding and maintenance of the floral displays at our local station to give an attractive welcome to passengers using it.



Following the resignation of Cllr Bremner on 24 June 2021 there is a vacancy for a parish councillor on Wilpshire Parish Council.

Please see attached notice of vacancy:

Jean Bremner Parish Vacancy




If you are interested in serving on Wilpshire Parish Council as a councillor and live in the Parish, within 3 miles of the Parish or work in the Parish please send an email or letter of application to the Clerk either by email at   or by post to 5 Hollowhead Close, Wilpshire BB1 9LE. Closing date for applications 14 June 2021.


If you would like to know more  prior to applying please contact the Clerk either on the above email or telephone 07756 091554.


Lesley Lund




WILPSHIRE  PARISH COUNCIL(  Wilpshire/RamsgreaveWard)_


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish of WILPSHIRE following the [resignation/death] on 20 April 2021 of Councillor Gary Shulman

Rule 5 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of councillor of a parish, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if within fourteen days (computed as stated below) after public notice of the vacancy has been given in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the borough within which the parish is situate by TEN electors for the electoral area in which the vacancy has occurred.

The Proper Officer is the Returning Officer, Ribble Valley Borough Council, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA

Dated this  25th day of   April 2021

Lesley Lund

Clerk to the Council

In computing any period of time for the purposes of this notice a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning, shall be disregarded.


Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

The nomination window for the 2022 Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS)  is now open with a closing date of 15 September 2022 and the local panel would really appreciate your  help in encouraging local organisations to seek nomination. Last year, despite Covid over 25 charity and community groups from across Lancashire were nominated with the winners announced this June. I’ve attached a leaflet giving further details and would be very grateful if you could share in across your membership. Whist 25 nominations is an increase on previous years, there are still some areas of the County were we’d welcome more nominations from. A link to the QAVS website and nomination form is available here Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service ( Groups can be any community organisation of 3 or more people and do not need to be registered charities.

Local Leaflet Apr 21

It’s Spring!    posted 09/04/2021

Daffodils along the A666 planted by Wilpshire Parish Council

Wilpshire Triangle looking pretty with lots of colours!

New Kissing Gate – public footpath on Wilpshire Golf Course – posted 19/2/2021

The kissing gate was made and adapted from a standard gate by our contractor.



Work has started at Ramsgreave & Wilpshire Station to further lengthen the platforms in order to take longer trains.




Wilpshire Parish Council Footpath Improvement Initiative

Progress Report

A survey of all Public Rights of Way (PROW) in Wilpshire was undertaken by Councillors Tony Gaffney and Craig Ward in 2015. The condition of surfaces, stiles and gates was recorded on maps and reported to the full Council in due course.

As a result of this survey it was agreed that a programme of improvement works be carried out by the Parish Council. It was also agreed that Parish Paths Partnership funding from L.C.C. be applied for on an annual basis. L.C.C. were also informed of damaged stiles on the PROW network in Wilpshire.

The list of improvement works to be carried out were as follows:

  • FP16* Durham Drive towards Vicarage Lane above the railway tunnel (Completed)
  • FP21 Old Station towards Knowsley Rd (Completed)
  • FP16 Vicarage Lane to The Hazels (Completed)
  • FP12 Section running SW from Snodworth Fm towards the golf course (Completed)
  • FP9 Whalley Rd towards the golf course 50m approx. (Completed)
  • Non-definitive FP Rear Beaver Close to Hollowhead Lane (Completed)


* Footpath numbers are allocated by LCC and can be seen on Mario Maps by zooming in on the map to Wilpshire and ticking PROW under Countryside & Environment in the menu bar. Visit:


FP16 Durham Drive – Vicarage Ln after improvement


Parish Paths Partnership Funding


£500 grant per annum


It was agreed that the following sections of path be strimmed on an annual/seasonal basis:


  • FP5 Leading from The Follies (Vicarage Lane)
  • FP 25 Wilpshire Glen from stepping stones towards Hollowhead Avenue
  • FP26 Path across Public Open Space – Hollowhead Ave to Hollowhead Lane
  • FP16 Hedge trimming Durham Rd towards Vicarage Lane – tunnel top

Additional strimming work as required:

  • FP26 Whalley Rd to Hollowhead Public Open Space
  • FP20 Beaver Close to Hollowhead Lane


Additional PROW Improvement Works

Since the original Initiative was agreed, further improvement work has been undertaken by WPC as follows:



  • Ginnel leading from The Hazels to Salesbury Common
  • BW7 Tippings Fm – a short section of the bridleway
  • Back alley leading from Ribchester Rd to Woodcrest
  • Footbridge installation on FP1 at two places


Other Improvement Work

Other bodies have undertaken improvement work in Wilpshire Parish as follows:


  • C.C. have installed several kissing gates and replaced a footbridge
  • Peak & Northern Footpath Society have erected three of their distinctive signposts at strategic points on the PROW network in our area
  • At the request of WPC, RVBC assumed more responsibility for maintaining the Public Open Space behind Hollowhead Ave/Close including the mowing of footpaths on a regular basis.


Peak & Northern signpost at Snodworth


Other Initiatives

  • WPC has published details of local walks under the heading, ’Walking Wilpshire’’ in its annual Newsletter to residents and on its website. This is an ongoing initiative
  • The PC has organised an annual Parish Council Walk
  • The PC includes information about its Footpath Improvement Initiative in its annual Newsletter
  • The PC encourages residents to report issues relation to the PROW network via the L.C.C. Report It webpage
  • The Lancashire Way Long Distance Path, created in the past decade, uses some of our PROW network
  • At the request of WPC, Wilpshire Golf Club has upgraded waymarking of FP10 across its land.
  • Installation of three public benches at strategic locations


   Parish Council Bench – Hollowhead Public Open Space



WPC can take great credit from the work it has done in the past five years or more to improve the PROW network in its area by incremental steps and this has had a significant impact upon the state of it. It would be fair to say that the network has never been in a better condition.


As a result of all the initiatives, there is clear evidence that much of the network is being used by many more people on a regular basis and never more so than in the past year as a result of the COVID pandemic. Many local residents and others have rediscovered their local public footpaths. This has been a bonus in terms of benefits to both health and wellbeing but also has  raised issues.


The improvements carried out over the years have proved their value in terms of path surfaces being more resilient to increased use. However, increased use has caused increased wear and tear on sections of the PROW network which previously received less use and now really require attention. It is with this in mind that WPC now needs to plan the next phase of the Footpath Improvement Initiative.

Craig Ward          January 2021



phone LCC Highways:
on 0300 123 6701 – up to 5pm weekdays.



IF you are feeling lonely or worried during the new lockdown, don’t forget the Ribble Valley Community Hub is here to help.

The hub has been beavering away in the background throughout the pandemic helping thousands of residents with everyday needs and offering a listening ear.

And now that the country has entered a new lockdown until at least mid-February, hub staff are still on hand to help if you are facing difficulty, worry or loneliness.

They can make referrals for help with such as shopping and prescription collections to community support groups and offer advice on a wide range of services.

And they have contacted around 1,800 extremely clinically vulnerable people in the borough in recent weeks and will be contacting others over the coming days.

Ribble Valley Borough Council leader Stephen Atkinson said: “Our officers have been running the borough’s community hub throughout the pandemic and have helped thousands of residents.

“They have access to a wide range of knowledge and information, and been able to match hundreds of households with vital support.

“I am proud to lead an organisation that is helping vulnerable households during these unprecedented and difficult times.”

Detailed information about the Ribble Valley Community Hub is available at

You can contact the hub Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, on 01200 414597.

● The new national lockdown means you must stay at home and not leave your house unless absolutely necessary until further notice. Full details on what you can and cannot do is available at



The Chairman of the Parish Council, Craig Ward, laid a wreath on behalf of the Council and residents of Wilpshire at the Remembrance Memorial outside the Methodist Church. Because of the pandemic the usual Remembrance service wasn’t held. The Parish Council also organised the display of poppies at the traffic light garden.



New artwork has been installed on Ramsgreave & Wilpshire Station as part of a project initiated by the East Lancashire Community Rail Partnership called ‘Let’s Connect’ which aims to improve the appearance of local stations. The art project at our local station was organised by artist Karen Allerton who worked with students from Ribblesdale High School, Clitheroe and Blackburn College. Full details can be found by following this link:



Durham Road Play Area has been re-opened but please protect yourself and other users by

Remembering to Social Distance

Using hand sanitiser before entering and on leaving the area as the area is NOT cleaned to be COVID secure

If you are not accompanying your children on the area please make them aware of the very important guidelines for use of the play area outlined above.

Please note that the play area closes at 9pm in summertime and is subject to bye laws.
